This week we SHINE the Spotlight on a lady who is seriously my ‘girl crush’ and a woman whom I even more greatly admire and respect now that I’ve read her amazing book ‘Winging It’ , which was released just last week. Emma is a force to be reckoned with and a dynamic entrepreneur; she […]

People have created communities since time began; working together for better outcomes and wanting to feel that they are part of something and have somewhere they feel they belong. Wanting to embrace and be part of a ’community’ is a natural human instinct and a desire we all innately have, we are social creatures by […]

My mum always used to say, ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.’ It is one of her mottos that has always been  ingrained in me, and something I think of often. The well-used phrase, ‘Never, never, never, never give up’ is very similar. Persistence is a great word and often the difference between success and […]