Self-Care Tips For The Busy Woman

Self-Care Tips For The Busy Woman

By Kim Morrison
Founder and Director, Twenty8



With the return to school, summer holidays over, January been and gone and schedules to be locked in now is the time of year when you really want to form some positive and long-standing habits and routines, especially when you could already be feeling pulled in every direction.

There is no doubt we all start a new year with good intentions, even a little excitement, but it does not seem to take too much time for the excitement to wane and the overwhelm to set in. Creating self-care rituals is the number one critical tool to maintain your sanity, reach goals and not become burnt out. Some may be obvious but it never hurts to recalibrate and re-set your intentions with some good old fashioned self-care.

1.         Get organized
Seems the most simple thing on the planet yet often the thing that seems to fall apart first. It really does not take much to enter into your diary or phone calendar what is coming up or when things are due. The key is to do it right in the moment. Enter the information as you hear it, see it or book it or are told about it. Set an alarm. This helps to de-clutter the brain too and allows a sense of relief that you have it covered.

2.         Have a system for your books and computer
Even if something is not ready to be handed in or filed, create folders or spaces to keep documents you are working on. Make sure you file them into a place that is easy to find so you are not stressing when you need it immediately. Color coding your important subjects and files might work even better for you.

3.         Keep tidy
Keep your bedroom, resting space, office, desk, school locker and bags tidy and clear of clutter. Take pride in yourself and remember a tidy environment creates a tidy and de-cluttered mind, which in turn creates way less stress and shows respect for yourself and others. Place a diffuser in the space you like to spend time in and have an aroma mist spritzer close by. Use uplifting oils when you want to study and calming oils when you just want to wind down. Essential oils are a fantastic way to support your immune system naturally and help you think more clearly. Oils like basil, rosemary, lemon, peppermint, spearmint, orange and clary sage can help you think more clearly. Oils like lavender, marjoram, mandarin and chamomile are great to help calm and settle the mind.

4.         Get into nature
Allow some space in your day to walk barefoot on the grass, dirt or sand. Earthing oneself – especially after being in front of a computer all day – can be the best food for the soul. The ground is a massive reservoir of negatively charged free electrons. These electrons have antioxidant effects that can protect your body from inflammation. So surfaces like carpets, rubber, tarseal and plastic tends to separate us from this contact. Without some connection to this reservoir the immune system is compromised. Grounding or earthing is one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase your negative ion count and counteract the draining effects of things like EMF’s, fluorescent lighting, mobile phones, air conditioning etc.

6.         Plan your meals
Plan your meals and make more than is required so there are left overs. A good idea is a roast, stir fry or casserole of some sort. Make plenty so there is enough for lunch the following day. Knowing what you are making in advance can allow the brain to let it go and not create stress in the morning or a need for a quick dash to the shops.

7.         Make lunches the night before
Some find that the biggest stress in the morning is actually preparing lunches. If you take nothing else from this article this could be your biggie. Prepare lunches the night before, or at least know exactly what you will be making and that you have all the ingredients. This point alone can change the way a morning flows and can relieve more stress than most people realize.

8.         Keep up with the washing
Seems silly but again being organized and getting washing into the machine and hung out before you leave for work or school can be the best tip especially if you do not have spare uniforms for kids. At least this way you only have to bring it in at night and voila it is all ready for the next day. Hang on a clothes hanger and you may even not have to iron. Now there’s a good thing!

9.         Get up 15 minutes earlier
Even if you got up 15 minutes earlier than what you set your alarm can make a massive difference to your day. Those extra few moments will give you enough time to hang out the washing, clear the dishes off the sink or allow for a last minute think about what you need for the day. The less stress in a morning the better.

10.       Eat well move more
The key to wanting to be organized is ensuring you have good fuel in the tank and move your body to keep it healthy and strong. Food does affect the way you think and feel. Use it to your advantage. Aim for SLOW food – Seasonal, Local, Organic and Whole. Drink plenty of water. The better the quality of food and the more hydrated you are the better your body will run. The better your body runs the more you feel like moving it and can contain your emotions, be a better person, make better decisions and therefore take better care of your health.


Kim Morrison
Founder and Director – Twenty8

Kim set a world record as the youngest female to run 100 miles in less than 24 hours in 1989. 68 year old world record holder Cliff Young was her mentor at the time and to this day lives by his ethos that success is 90% mental and 10% physical. She has used her running story as a direct metaphor for life – riding the highs, hitting the walls, pushing through the pain barriers, crossing the line and never, ever giving up!

Kim believes it is your inner power, passion and commitment and having truckloads of self-belief that distinguishes you as an achiever. It’s about visualising your dream and going for it – regardless of the feedback you receive or the challenges you face. As a 5 times best-selling author, creative director of Twenty8, aromatherapist, health and lifestyle educator and a multi-tasking mum and wife, Kim is someone who shares her essential tools for self-care, discipline, leadership and teamwork and most of all how to have an attitude with sparkle.