SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Kim Morrison


Kim Morrison has been a great friend of mine for almost fifteen years and it is amazing to watch how far she has come and witness how much she has achieved over that period of time. She is one of the kindest, supportive and beautiful soul’s you will ever meet and also has a great business head on her shoulders and constantly looks for ways on how she can improve the life of women and help them to develop their self confidence. Kim was one of out most popular speakers at the recent SHINE Business Women’s conference and we want to share her story as there is much we can all take away from her approach to life.



So Kim, for those that don’t know you, tell us a little bit about you and your business…

I have always loved essential oils, beauty, nature, healthy eating and running and I feel incredibly blessed that ever since the age of 19 I have been able to incorporate them all into my personal and professional life. Being an aromatherapist and speaker for almost 30 years has also enabled my expertise to write 5 books, create an organic aromatherapy and skincare range and create online education programs based on the power of self-care. Twenty8 Essentials was founded in 2009 and is now proudly operating in both NZ and Australia.

What made you become interested in aromatherapy when you first started out many years ago?

I happened to be working in a gymnasium right next door to a natural therapies college in Melbourne in 1987. I was drawn to a sign on the window one day advertising a 10 week course in massage and essential oils. I knew when I signed up I would never look back. That 10 week course became 3 years of study in aromatherapy, remedial massage, fitness training, nutrition, reflexology and homeobotanical therapies. And has been ongoing since!

Tell us about the philosophy behind Twenty8?

We know it takes 28 days to create a habit. We are governed by 28 day cycles including the moon, the tides and the women’s cycle is 28 days long. It takes skin cells 28 days to renew themselves and from a bio-rhythm point of view we have a physical cycle every 23 days, an intellectual cycle every 33 days and an emotional cycle every 28 days. Considering smell is so closely linked to our emotions it made sense that this aromatherapy based business was called Twenty8. I just happened to have been born on the 28th too! Can you believe we named the business on the 28th of the 8th in 2008!

Why is self-care essential and how has this shaped your life?

I heard the saying once that we teach what we need to learn the most. I learnt from a very young age that no one will look after you like you (or your mum!). That in order to love and give to others we must first love and give to ourselves. In other words we need to fill our own tanks first. The more I researched and wrote about this the more I realised people are not so good at doing self-care, especially women. It is frightening how many think it is selfish, not important or an indulgence. I truly believe it is not about spending a lot of time or money on self-care but more about making it a priority. It is the constant small choices we make on a daily basis that can support – or deprive – our health and wellbeing. Drinking plenty of water, limiting inflammatory foods such as alcohol, gluten or dairy and processed foods, eating plenty of vegetables daily, exercising regularly, reducing our chemical exposure with more natural personal care, cosmetic and cleaning products, practicing some form of meditation like restorative breathing or being still in nature and regularly connecting in our social circles with people we care about. These are the foundations from which I live my life and grow my business. They are super precious to me.

You travel quite a lot for work, what tips keep you balanced, focused and in good health?

My oils! These come everywhere with me. I use them in my daily body boost where I use 3 drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil and massage all over from my toes to my head saying beautiful things to myself. I have never missed a day doing this since I was 19, true story! I love to use my travel diffuser, my aroma mist spritzer and even a drop or two of a favourite oil or blend on a tissue for an instant inhalation. Considering high quality pure essential oils are all antiseptic and antibacterial to a lesser or greater degree you can see how they become a wonderful protectant from bugs and things like fatigue. I also make sure I eat well when I travel and do not eat plane food! I will always try to find a gym or use the stairwell of a hotel for my morning exercise. Drinking plenty of water also helps but I still enjoy one good bullet-proof coffee a day too!

How do you juggle being a busy career woman and being a Mum?

I am not really sure. Some days I am great at it and I am sure my kids would say some days I am not. My children are my priority and they come before my work. They are both older now but I used to carry my laptop everywhere. When Tayla was at dancing I would work whilst I waited. I would do the same for Jakob if he was at rugby training. I get up early and make sure food is always prepped whether it is home made treats like protein balls or marinating some free range chicken to come home and serve with a lot of veges or a salad. Some days I only manage a 5 minute workout in my lounge before I have to get into my day. My work is my life and my life is my work so sometimes it is hard to switch off but that is where my essential oils are a godsend. An aromatherapy bath before bed is amazing. Using my oils in a diffuser is a treat. Taking long restorative breaths, inhaling an oil like lavender or rose when feeling stressed is a ritual I often embrace. I do sometimes wish I had more hours in a day but also appreciate that I am blessed to do what I love. If I am honest sleep is something I could focus a little time on. I just get so excited to get into my day as soon as I wake! And often that is at 4am! The key for me is getting to bed by 10pm!

And what’s next. You’ve achieved so much over the past couple of years – what’s next on the agenda?

Our team have been working so hard. We have a whole new rebranding for Twenty8 coming and new online self care programs. I have a beautiful new book being released in August called ‘The Art Of Self Love’ and we have just released an amazing tour to Paris and Provence for July 2019 for just 20 people, which has 12 spaces filled already. After many years of grit and challenge its nice to say that we are in for some pretty exciting times!

What’s your favourite essential oil and why?

My favourite oil would have to be Rose as it is the best oil for self care as well as helping with all women’s conditions, and feelings of anger, hurt, grief and fear, it is the oil for anti-aging and it is the number one oil for self love! It carries a high price tag but you do not need a lot to make a huge difference. I have put Rose oil into a couple of my Twenty8 blends so we can enjoy its virtues in blends like Balance & Harmony, Courage & Confidence, Detox & Strengthen and Romance & Intimacy.

Who do you admire and look up to?

My husband and my children, they inspire me daily. And I love people who give it a shot, who constantly get up no matter how hard life gets. I love women who give it their all to work and raise a family and I especially admire souls who show kindness and care for fellow humans, animals and the planet.

Favourite food?

I can’t pick one! I absolutely love my greens; every meal must have accompanying greens. I also love things like sauerkraut and kimchi. And I am a sucker for a beautiful raw cheesecake and home made chocolate!

Check out Kim’s websites and products (that are to die for by the way!)



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