SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Lynette Croft

Meet the person behind the Sunshine Coast French Festival –

Lynette Croft


What made you decide to create the Sunshine Coast French Festival and what is the philosophy behind?

Through running our tour business in France we saw first hand how much the guests loved everything that the French culture offered to them, the food, the wine, the music, the joie de vivre and let’s face it, not everyone can afford to go there so it seemed a natural step to bring that beautiful culture and lifestyle home to the Sunshine Coast and share it with everyone.


How will this event compare with ones that are similar and run in the capital cities around Australia?

We have been regular exhibitors at other French Festivals in Australia and our two favourites are definitely Le Festival in Brisbane and Paris to Provence in Melbourne. Both of these festivals are magnificent events and we have taken a bit from both of them and then added our own touches. Our plan is to establish the Festival on the Sunshine Coast and have it grow as did these wonderful Festivals exponentially year upon year. With that growth will come the ability to add in more and more French experiences for our festival attendees but you have to start somewhere!

You travel regularly with your hosted tours – tell us a little bit about these?

We host women only tours to Provence, Southern France and Tuscany, Italy twice a year in Spring and Autumn.These are tours for ladies who don’t necessarily have a partner to travel with for whatever reason and whom may be wants the ease of a cruise, unpacking only once, safety and security and an itinerary already organised where they can sit back, relax and enjoy all of the experiences we have created for them. Our tours are experiences that the ‘normal’ tourist would be unable to obtain however due to our friends, colleagues and contacts in France we have been able to facilitate and create them.

Have you always worked in events and travel?

No, until fairly recently I was a Detective with the Queensland Police Service.

What made you make the change and want to simplify your life a little bit more?

I realised that I didn’t really want to be running around with a gun on my hip post 45, nor going through people’s private drawers looking for drugs and finding everything gross you can imagine. Policing is a hard job, it takes a toll and whilst I believe I helped many victims, at the end of the day it’s a negative environment to work in, and not really a happy place even though it’s an important job you do. At the same time, my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, quickly followed by my only other brother as well (also a cop) and it turned things around for me there and then. I have seen much death but when it touches you that closely it makes you re-evaluate. I needed a simpler less stressful environment, I was 2IC in a Criminal Investigation Branch, on call 24/7, and it was the wake up call I needed. I sat down and put together a list of all the things I loved; travel, France (French Heritage), hosting events, connecting people, and the idea of the tours took shape. I then spent two years back and forwards to France making them come to life.

And what’s next? You’re achieving great things, so what’s next on the agenda?

Firmly establishing the Sunshine Coast French Festival as an annual event, publishing our coffee table book ‘Postcards from Provence’ and moving forward with the tour business, perhaps melding the business world with the tours and providing business retreats through our tour model that offer more than just the usual conference situation.

Favourite place you’ve visited overseas?

That’s easy, Carriéres du Lumiéres at Le Baux de Provence – the most mind blowing sensory experience you’ll ever have.

Can you speak French?

Un peu

Favourite food?

Roast pork, roast veges and gravy, simple tastes!

What do you love about your job?

The opportunity to hear other people’s ideas/viewpoints on life.
