How To Make Those End Of Year Speeches Worth Listening To
How To Make Those End Of Year Speeches Worth Listening To
By Claire Quarrell
The Message Maven
It’s November! Which means you’ve slid past Halloween, the ‘end of year’ invites are starting to overrun the inbox and your hairdresser is urging you to book in way ahead of time because, well, CHRISTMAS IS COMING (insert mild panic and a dash to the ‘to do’ list).
Ah yes, we’ve hit one of our most exciting seasons of the year…the season of presenting!
Now before you start pulling out the curling ribbon and rummaging around for the foil wrap, let me be clear – I’m not talking about the gift-wrapped-pretty-ribbon type of presenting. I’m talking annual general meetings (with presentations), staff Christmas parties (with presentations), client appreciation nights (with presentations), graduations (with presentations) and farewells (with…you guessed it….presentations).
Whether it’s a formal Powerpoint gig or an ‘off the cuff-just say a few words deal’, the speeches abound, and I’m here to tell you that those speeches…those ‘presents’ for your audience… are far more important than the finicky little end-of-year-event logistics that we often spend our time on.
Because in public speaking land (which is where we all live, whether you love it or loathe it), this is the season to really take time to connect, communicate and reflect. Not with great gifts and fancy-pants events (although those things are certainly fabulous), but with the words that we use to honour the moments and the people we’re celebrating.
When it comes to our end of year gatherings we put so much effort into finding the ideal venue, making sure the guest list is right, picking the best hashtag, plucking and preening to look ‘on point’, and flying around straightening the reports/napkins/gift table/chandeliers that we forget to take time to consider what we’re actually going to say when we’ve got our tribe gathered before us.
The result?
Tragedy! We fall back on tired old clichés, mundane platitudes and generic meaningless statements that are forgotten (if they’re even heard) within seconds of them falling out of our mouths. You know the sort: ‘you’re all great, this year has been nuts, I love you all, here’s to great things.’
I mean, there’s nothing terrifically life-threatening about these generalities, but soul threatening? Yes. I believe so. Because in a world where we constantly proclaim that the years are zooming by and we have no time at our disposal, we then tolerate these speeches of nothingness. These lost opportunities where we could be acknowledging our tribe with meaning and helping them feel so freaking connected, they’d never want to be part of anything else.
So what do we do to avoid this dire situation?
We rise up, my friends. We rise up and commit to the 4 Golden Rules of End-of-Year Speaking Gigs:
- Be prepared.
All speaking is public speaking. Say it with me people ‘ALL SPEAKING IS PUBLIC SPEAKING’. Any time you’re entering a gathering, take a moment to think about what you might say if you’re put on the spot to present. Planned or unplanned, always consider why you’re gathering, who will be there and what you would like them to know. Getting ready for these opportunities should be just as important (in fact, more important) than finding the best outfit for the event or planning the menu for the end-of-year bash…and far more memorable.
- Be meaningful.
Share stories that are relatable, relevant and memorable for the group you’re talking to. Explain what impact your audience has had on you or your organisation. Tell them how their actions have made you think, feel and act differently.
- Be specific.
Provide examples of great things achieved, obstacles overcome, challenges still faced, experiences shared. Make them specific to you, your organisation, your tribe. Back up ‘We’ve had a great year…’ with ‘…for instance…’.
- Be present.
Finally, you’ve got to be present to present (pun intended…it had to creep in again somewhere). All jokes aside, don’t rush yourself by thinking that all your audience wants to do is go to the bar, place their meal order or get on with the party. Stay in the moment – when you respect what you have to say, they will too.
And that’s it. Just four little rules to stop the mundane ‘nothing’ speeches, connect with your audience and make an impact so big and meaningful that you stand out no matter what else is going on this season.
Go forth and conquer. I know you can do it.
After all, your message matters and your tribe is waiting to hear it. Hands down it really is the best gift you could give.

The Message Maven
Claire Quarrell is an experienced and exciting message and presentations coach, trainer, developer and speaker.
Fascinated with communication in all forms, she works with groups and individuals to craft and deliver presentations confidently, authentically and consistently so that the right message is delivered the right way, at the right time, every time.
She is renowned for her high energy, engaging non-intimidating style and interactive approach – ensuring every person she coaches, trains or writes for walks away empowered to stand up, speak up and be heard.
Claire has worked with individuals and organisations in government, mining, construction, disability services, customer service, beauty, finance, events management and not-for-profit sectors and believes that regardless of industry, cause or motivation, Bernard Baruch hit the nail on the head when he said ‘The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as the idea itself’.
In short, if you’ve got something to say, Claire can help you say it – clearly, authentically and consistently.