SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Connie McIntosh


Connie McIntosh is often told that she is lucky… truth is luck has nothing to do with it, Connie knows that attitude and hard work are your luck!

Connie has had dual careers in Cybersecurity and Fitness for a long time, she has won multiple Fitness Titles including a World Fitness Champion and Australian Fitness Champion twice.
Connie has worked in IT, Networks, Cybersecurity for the past 20 years and is a believer in lifelong learning. Education is the one thing that will open doors and expand your thinking.



Connie, you’ve had an exciting career, in a range of areas and that has now taken you from Australia to Finland; tell us how this all came about and what you’re currently up to…

I studied both Undergraduate and Masters in Information Technology and have worked in IT, Networks and Cyber Security for 20 years. Security has been my passion for many years, I worked in the Federal Government Cyber Security Unit as Assistant Director before moving roles to the University of the Sunshine Coast where I was working with great teams in Cyber Security and IT Systems. The University of the Sunshine Coast whilst I was there decided to create a new Institute of Cyber Investigations and Forensics and I was the Manager of Cyber Security Operations.

Then I got an email inviting me to apply for the Head of Security Assurance for Ericsson in Finland. Finland was not foreign to me, given I am 50% Finnish and have holidayed there visiting family, this sounded like a wonderful opportunity. So fast forward 6 weeks after accepting the role, I relocated and commenced with Ericsson, managing teams of staff to secure Ericsson’s products and drive a programme to enhance Ericsson’s Security Reliability Model. The wonderful opportunity has allowed me to travel to Sweden, London and Germany attending conferences to sharing how Ericsson is securing 5G all in my first two months here. Every day I say to myself let’s hope I don’t wake up and find this was all a great dream.

And you don’t only work in technology… tell us about Miss World Fitness and your career as a model and actress, what have been some of the highlights of your career in this arena?

Yes the two appear to be polar opposite careers, indeed I break the stereotype of the IT Geek…. There are so many highlights, competing in Fitness Competitions was getting to do something you absolutely love, being sent around the world to competitions and meeting wonderful like minded people who all understand what it takes to achieve success in that arena, for example you have to be willing to train three hours a day, not drink alcohol or carbs and be so singularly focussed.

Modelling and Acting is really just fun, it never felt like work and being paid to do it was just a bonus. By far my highlight was filming San Andreas the movie and then seeing my kids reaction to seeing me on ‘the big screen’ when we were at the cinema.

I was fortunate to have a Dad and a Step Dad growing up who both had the most amazing work ethics, their hard working attitude definitely rubbed off on me. Along with growing up with brothers who push you hard to beat them at anything that was going, sport, table games etc. everything was a competition, and I think this was also a contributing factor to my attitude, you know you win some and you lose some but you  never stop trying. This is true in work and life, I competed in fitness competitions where I ran second for three years and then I won both Australian Fitness Titles and a World Fitness Title, moral to that story is I could have given up after coming second three years in a row, this just motivated me because I knew I was so close to winning.

What do you see as being the traits of a corporate leader or manager?

There are a few critical traits to be a good leader or manager;

  • If you don’t like people you definitely should not be a leader.
  • Have excellent EQ and use it.
  • Know your people, take a genuine interest in them and their interests and what their career aspirations are and help them develop to achieve them.
  • Give feedback – good or bad don’t avoid it.
  • Get to know people outside your circle, build your network.
  • Make decisions that’s the leaders role.

What decision changed your life?

The one decision that has opened doors and helped develop me as a person was studying at University, getting my Degree and then my Masters has allowed me to think on a higher level, become a specialist in Information Technology and specifically Cyber Security. I would not be where I am today without it so I am very grateful to my younger self for pushing through when it was too hard or I was too tired or my friends were all out partying and I had to stay committed to my dreams and not get side tracked.

And what’s next on the agenda for Connie McIntosh?

  • Adjust to winter in Finland, snow skiing and keeping warm.
  • Heading to Brussels in November for CERT-EU
  • Enhancing Ericsson’s Security Portfolio
  • To deliver the highest quality of security for Ericsson through amazing talented staff who do a brilliant job.

Most interesting person that you have met?

I couldn’t single any one person out. Everyone you meet is interesting and has stories to tell, if you take time to listen.

Favourite book?

Eckhart Tolle A new earth.

What do you love most about your job?

Many things, The People, The travel, being able to see Europe and meeting people from all over has been a wonderful experience.



To find out more about Connie head to: