SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Claire Robertson


After leaving school Claire took an apprenticeship in Corporate Travel in London, lots of fun joining the world of work in the big smoke!  After 10 years the sunshine of Australia beckoned.  With a one year working holiday visa in her passport, Claire arrived on the Tuesday and had a job by the Friday.  Luckily Australia loved her back and Claire has been here for 22 years, working in travel, recruitment and marketing.  Life is more than the 9 to 5, outside of work she is involved with Can Too Foundation, a fitness and fundraising program for cancer research which has led her into the crazy world of Ironman triathlons!



You’ve had an interesting career working in London and Sydney in a number of professional roles – tell us about some of the highlights…

I had worked in travel for 16 years when I was interested in a career change, I was given the opportunity to work in recruitment within the travel industry, a perfect bridge to join a new field.  Everyday I truly said ‘I love my job’, and that’s a great feeling.  The recruitment company enabled me to work temporarily in New Zealand and Singapore, adding further to my list of countries and cultures I’ve been fortunate to work in.

I fell into my next career move of marketing by taking a contract role, good timing and a can-do attitude earned me a role of Marketing Executive leading to Marketing Manager within 10 months.  If you have transferable skills, willingness and curiosity to learn, make it known, hiring managers want passion and energy within their business, happy employees make happy customers.

If your life were a book – what would the title be?

‘I’m an Ordinary Person, Doing Extraordinary Things’.  Subtitle ‘If I Can, You Can Too’!
We don’t necessarily all have natural talents, but by choosing our attitude we can be the best version of ourselves.  I’m constantly learning, using my strengths to work in different industries.  If you have a good work ethic, aligned values and can-do attitude you can evolve in your career.

As a Team Manager, what skills are important to develop to have all working in harmony?

As a team leader constant communication is key, It’s important to listen deeply and make sure both parties have interpreted the message in the same way.  Discuss the expectations of both employer and employee, you may have totally different expectations and projected outcomes for the role, by clearly listening and communicating you’ll both be working towards the same goal.

Believe in transferable skills rather than specific. Playing to employee’s strengths giving them immediate recognition, don’t save praise for their annual review, it’s too late.  If they have areas of improvement either work with them to develop their experience and knowledge or move those tasks to a team better suited to getting the job done.

What career or personal achievement are you most proud of?

Creating a life for myself in Australia, I arrived with a backpack and £1,000 in my pocket.  I’ve had career changes and made a wonderful community of supportive friends around me.
Personal achievement has to be becoming an Ironman, twice!  That’s a 3.8km swim, a 180km bike ride and a 42.2km run.  That’s where ‘I’m an Ordinary Person, Doing Extraordinary Things’.  Subtitle ‘If I Can, You Can Too’ comes in!  It’s a physical and mental challenge to train for 5 months and complete the race in 14 hours, anything is possible.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“One who wants to do something will find a way, one who doesn’t will find an excuse.”
Be passionate about what you do, whether in work or play, when you enjoy something, you’ll do it well.

Favourite movie?

It’s topical, Bohemian Rhapsody, it was so compelling.  I didn’t take my eyes off the screen and if you said it went for another hour I wouldn’t have noticed!  Great subject matter and talented actors telling the captivating story.

Favourite travel destination and why?

Every destination is my favourite!  Each country offers a unique culture of people, food, smells, landscapes and more.  If I am to pick one, it would be India.  Occasionally travelling can be challenging, but oh so rewarding in what you learn on your journey of discovery about the location and yourself.

What’s one thing you do every day for yourself?

Some form of exercise, we have to look after our health.  Good health is a gift, exercise prevents so many illnesses and you have to work at it.  Park the car further away and walk an extra 500m.  Take the stairs instead of the escalator.  Incidental exercise adds up and leads you to a longer and healthier physical and mental life.