SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Susan Naylor

As  a qualified PT, it made sense for Susan Naylor to work in a field that supports her daily commitment to exercise, health and wellness.  Susan chose to work with a multi award-winning health and wellness company that is passionate about non toxic living, and which aligns with values that are important to her and this has been critical to her success. Susan is an avid advocate for encouraging everyone to focus on building and maintaining their optimal health and wellness, and her business allows her to do this.

A great passion of Susan’s is the team-building side of my business. She loves motivating and inspiring people to believe in themselves, reach for the stars and build great business. Susan often talks about the importance of ‘rowing together’ in the same direction, otherwise everyone would all keep going around in circles, not making any headway, and she believes this is one of the fundamentals of her success.

Susan is also a passionate mother to two, sporty and focused individuals who are the light of her life, wife of an Australian sporting representative and daughter of the Founders and owners of Brockenchack wines.


Susan, tell us about why you decided to pursue a career in the health and wellness industry?

Since I can remember, I’ve always been passionate about health & fitness. I actually started out in the corporate sector with fitness, just something I did. When I met my husband, Darren, he was an Australian Triathlon representative and a swim coach. Together we ran swim centres and from their my love of fitness and learning about nutrition thrived. Then came along 2 high achieving sporty children and my thirst for knowledge in nutrition grew to ensure they were fuelled correctly.

How do you differentiate from others that are in the same line of business?

My difference and my super-power is me. I have a huge work ethic, vision & drive plus I have a insatiable hunger to achieve and be the best I can. I also know the more women I can inspire, serve and help be the best they can then success will come to me. Quitting is just not an option.

Over the past couple of years you have built a whole community through social marketing, can you tell us a little about this and why it’s been so successful?

Social marketing is not new, but it has evolved into a ‘new’ way of doing business which ticks all the boxes in today’s business world. The social marketing process focuses on the importance of connection, collaboration and a whole host of soft skills that build and develop strong, rewarding and influential relationships, whilst building a business that generates an income along the way.

I use a range of social media platforms to connect with people from all over the world to seek out opportunities to grow my social retail business. One of the really exciting things about my business is that its customer focused, which is very important to me, and when working together we all achieve and progress.

How important is it to have a plan and a direction?

Having a plan and direction is essential. I’m a huge goal setter but I also know that you never arrive, success and achievement happens in the journey. I’ve made loads of mistakes and I’m grateful for that. It enables me to stop and celebrate every small win but drives me to keep going. I’m big on testing, measuring, evaluating and then pivoting. If it doesn’t work, then change the direction but not the end goal.

What do you see as being important traits of a leader?

Important traits of a leader to me is to care, not be afraid to be vulnerable and to admit mistakes. Learning by example is very important to me and I will never ask anyone to go anywhere or do anything that I haven’t been or haven’t done. It’s instilling faith and belief in my team and an environment where everyone is valued and celebrated as we all bring different skills and talents to the table. Being consistent too and showing what’s possible is also important to me.

And what’s next on the agenda for Susan Naylor?

What’s next? Right now I’m in a great space. Two adult kids now that are spreading their own wings so continuing to be a role model for them is important. I still have so many goals I want to achieve in my business so that’s where my focus will be for the little bit. I love my life and I’m super excited about where it takes me next. I certainly won’t be stopping, that’s for sure.

Favourite movie?

Speed & The Matrix

What do you do in your spare time?

Reading Love time with my girlfriends (long lunches) Shopping with Bronte Beach Spending time with my kids… could listen to their views on the world all day. Massages

Who do you look up to and admire?

My parents. My dad has an incredible work ethic and I inherited his energy, drive & love of life. I also admire Oprah! Her strength, her vulnerability, her love and care of people plus her drive.


To find out more about Susan head to: