SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Sarah Louise Gowns


My story will make the best feature film one day. From the Getto to Monaco. The palace to prison. A mistress to a Mrs. Corruption and addiction. Losses to love. Freezer to thermomix. Most of my stories you wouldn’t believe. It’s been one crazy ride, one that has given me the experience, depth, understanding and compassion to be able to do the work I do today. I had my first business at 19 working with the elite and famous and a multiple of different business since then, always in the same field of helping people. My whole life has been dedicated to helping others find true happiness regardless of their stories.



Sarah, tell us about Sarah Louise and the work that you do…

I’m probably what you would call your modern day white witch!  I’m a life coach, an energy therapist, a meditation teacher, an intuitive and many say a healer. I channel information from people’s past, present and future. I’m extremely clear and have a reputation for being very accurate. I channel energy from the divine. I’ve studied and worked with most aspects of humans and have a clear understanding of the mind, the body and the soul. I combine many different modalities so my sessions cover all aspects of my client; their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.

I believe each aspect of self is important and when all are in alignment we have the potential to live our best life, to be truly happy.

What made you work in this area?

I found out at an early age that life sometimes gives you lemons and you have a choice to be sour or make lemonade. When you’re sour you suffer, whereas the lemonade always taste good.

I didn’t like suffering or watching others suffer so I learnt every possible way I could to help myself and others, to make lemonade regardless of anything. It’s been a lifelong learning but one I have nailed due to much experience.


You have built a strong community of followers, what do you feel are the secrets to your success in this regard?


I channel from my heart and can relate and identify with people at a real level. I don’t try to be what I’m not, I’m open and honest, and people see this. I share my truth, not what I think people want to hear. I walk my talk and so people know they can trust me.

How can people best look after themselves during this time of uncertainty?

Keep a routine. Humans need some kind of structure to feel secure so maintain a healthy routine even if everything is changing; adapt to your environment

Meditation I believe is key to keeping the mind balanced. I recommend people find a form of meditation that suits them.

Limited social media – There are lots of stories and who knows what’s true? Listen to facts and leave the rest alone.

Exercise – Move the body any way that you can, keep your energy moving.

Healthy Eating – Boost the immune system with good nutritious food

Sleep – This is our best medicine.

Use this time of re-treating at home to learn. Learn something new or maybe just learn about yourself

This time is a gift, one day we will see and understand this.


And what’s next on the agenda for Sarah Louise Gowns?

I’m using this time to write my book, and share my story with the world to help others. If I can find love and real happiness with my past then anybody can !!!


Favourite place that you have travelled to and why?

Ubud. I have travelled around the world to many incredible places but for me it’s all about the experience. My partner and I go to Ubud every year and it’s our magical place to escape to. The feelings attached to Ubud are pure love. STONE HOUSE in Udud is my heaven on earth.

What do you to relax?

I love long walks in nature and beach days. Nature is my switch off. To be honest, I do love a rose too though!


What mantra do you live by?

Ask and it is given.

I have learnt that whatever I ask for, I am given. So I am very conscious these days of what I’m asking for.


To find out more about Sarah Louise head to:


