SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Renee Veldman-Tentori

Connect. Communicate. Educate.

All the amazing aspects of my life come together in those three words. As a lecturer at The Hague University of Applied Sciences, I am fortunate to both guide and learn from our next generation of business leaders. I also offer training, speaking and a learning community for entrepreneurs through the Zestee Academy. My areas of expertise, energy and experience revolve around communication, social media, community building, digital skills, blended learning and more. I’m particularly enthusiastic about the incredible opportunities for us all in combining Education and Technology (Edtech). A dual national Dutch Australian, I’m raising two gorgeous global citizens in The Hague, the Netherlands and visit my native Australia each year.

Renee, tell us about your business and why you made the change from working in a corporate environment to setting up your own business?

I am the daughter and sister of entrepreneurs, so this mindset was installed early and enforced throughout my life. After starting out with a career in the travel industry, becoming a parent myself in 2007 changed my priorities but also the opportunities available to me. A full time job was no longer feasible and I found other options limited. Zestee was “born” not long after my daughter back in 2008. As I’ve relocated a few times now between Australia and the Netherlands, the flexibility of being an entrepreneur means I can build a life between these two countries. The Hague University were first a client, then offered me a permanent part time job. Combining the two has not always been easy, but has given me a wonderful combination of security, income, challenges and chances. The combination of working in education (currently 3 days a week) and building my
own business (1-2 days a week) is ideal.

How do you juggle running a business, working at University and being a Mum?

Finding and maintaining family, work, balance has been a conscious pursuit for almost 13 years. When my first baby was born, the juggle was a little overwhelming. Finding support and others in a similar situation to learn from was difficult at the time – so I founded the Professional Parents Network. I brought together and interviewed hundreds of parents who combined babies and
business, and children and career. What I learned is that there is no perfect balance, however you can use tools and techniques to find what works well for you and your family. Gradually I found myself in a place where I feel I can be in balance most days. I developed my own “family work balance” model, and also blogged about my experiences over at

Tell us about Zestee and the philosophy behind…

Zestee Academy is built around supporting entrepreneurs and individuals to improve and practice skills in connecting and communicating with others. This international learning community offers online and offline opportunities to learn and grow.
Lifelong learning is crucial, especially in these fast moving times. Creating a social media strategy, making a marketing plan, understanding how storytelling can help your business, improving your public speaking skills, updating your LinkedIn profile, making more efficient use of technology – these are examples of the many things you can learn to improve your life and your business. Zestee Academy helps break this all down into flexible “micro lessons” so you can keep up to date and be inspired by what is important and relevant to you.

Share your top three tips to success?

It’s a theme through this interview as I believe it reflects not just my core values, but has also paved the path to my  success…. so again I’d say connect, communicate educate!

1. Connect: there is no true success without connecting to other people – but also connecting them with each other. Do you have two people in your own network who don’t yet know each other but should? Introduce them!

2. Communicate: we have a huge array of options these days to communicate with others. Don’t let this overwhelm you, choose what works for you but also push your own boundaries a little to open up even more chances to communicate. Are you totally comfortable with text, but never sent a video message? Give it a try today!

3. Educate: there are so many amazing, quality ways to not just educate yourself but also others. Sign up for an online or face to face short course today for something you’ve always wanted to learn. And share what you know with others!

And what’s next on the agenda for Renee Veldman-Tentori?

I’m at an exciting crossroads in my life and career at the moment, where I’m exploring various paths I could pursue. No doubt other unexpected opportunities will open up too. Right now, I’m working on my first book called “The EdTech Explosion”. This is based on my Master’s thesis research and will help people better understand the amazing opportunities that technology and education coming together can offer us all. I’m looking into whether a PhD may be the right choice for me, which is a big decision as this would be a 8-10 year commitment part time. Expanding the Zestee Academy to Australia and elsewhere in the world will give members an opportunity to connect with other global entrepreneurs – but also give me a solid reason to come to
Australia every year for work (and also visit my family)! Spending quality time with my gorgeous, growing girls is also a big priority, especially as they now approach the teenage years.

Favourite place that you have visited?

Mooloolaba was once home but at least for now has become a place I visit every year and appreciate even more. It’s not only near my family, but is such a magical place to be for a sunrise or sunset.

Do you have a mantra that you live by?

Connect. Communicate. Educate. (no surprise by now if you’ve read this whole interview!)

Who would you most like to meet and why?

Oprah. She’s been an inspiring influence throughout my life as she shares her incredible energy, intelligence and wisdom.

To find out more about Renee head to

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