SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Annemarie Cross

Annemarie Cross is an Award-winning Podcast Host and Producer, Business & Personal Brand Strategist and author of: Industry Thought Leader – How to Go From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast.

Dubbed ‘The Podcasting Queen,’ she is recognised as a pioneer in this space by her clients and community, after starting her first podcast in 2008.

Over the years she’s been listed among the Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs, Top 50 Podcast for Entrepreneurs, and Top 100 Small Business Podcasts worldwide by well-known and respected small business websites, including, while having two of her podcasts syndicated on National and International Radio shows. 

Annemarie, what you have achieved as The Podcast Queen is nothing short of extraordinary… how did you end up in this field?

I launched my first podcast in 2008 (Career Success Radio) with a co-host – Keith Keller. We started the show to be the voice of hope and inspiration amongst the doom and gloom traditional media was portraying following the Global Financial Crisis. We knew job seekers needed to change their approach to find employment, however the doom and gloom was negatively impacting their mindset, and we knew we had to do something about it.  So we launched the show, knowing absolutely nothing about podcasting, so it was a steep learning curve.

We published the show for two years and during that time developed strong alliances with career experts, and inspired thousands of job seekers worldwide.

When the show came to an end, my mission of ‘changing the world – one message at a time’ saw me continue to publish various leadership and business-focused podcasts over the last 11 years.

Little did I know that over a decade on I’d be podcasting full time and helping businesses launch their own Thought Leader podcasts so they can impact the world with their message, while become known as Authorities in their fields.

What do you feel have been the keys to your success?

One of my mentors (which I hired early on after I began podcasting on my own) recognised my strength in the area of interviewing and building engagement with my audience. (Probably developed after a decade of helping executives ‘ace that job interview’ in the career industry).  A ‘natural’ was what she said, and as she had extensive experience in radio in the US, it was something I took on board and continued to develop. It was also something I enjoyed, so I continued to interview as many people as I could.

Trial and error was a great teacher too – more ‘error than’ anything else to be honest, especially when it came to monetizing my podcast in the early years. However tenacity and facing challenges head on (as they are always present opportunities to learn and grow) is something I know to be true.

In fact, I often tell this story, as it sums it up beautifully:
Someone recently congratulated me on how I’ve branded myself: ‘The Podcasting Queen.’
While I’d like to take the credit – I can’t.
In fact, it was only after years of guests and colleagues referring to me as the queen of podcasting that I finally decided to ‘get over myself’ (as for years I felt uncomfortable when people would refer to me this way), and embrace the title.

When I shared this with her she asked whether I had any tips on how to get people to call you the ‘queen’ of anything.
 An interesting question.

How do you become recognised in a specific area (i.e. that influential voice) so that your community begins to refer to you this way. Perhaps even before you do so yourself?

For me, I was doing numerous podcast interviews and connecting with guests from all over the world.
Interviewing others was something I loved to do, so it was something I did, week after week, year after year. Had you told me eleven years ago that podcasting would become my full time business, I wouldn’t have believed you.

So my response to her (based on my own experience) was:
“Love what you do and get good at it – REALLY good at it. And, if it aligns with your strengths – it’ll show, often to others first.

People often feel frightened or overwhelmed when dealing with technology and even though they want to start say a podcast, or set up social media promotions/LIVES etc… do you have any tips as to how to get started?

Just DO it!

We are so often our worst critics, placing our expectations SO high that we never get out there to build our confidence.

Confidence comes not from waiting till you are ready, but by getting out there and doing what you’re fearful of, because when you do:
(a) You realise what you were telling yourself was BS, and it’s not that scary;
(b) If you make a mistake – give yourself a pat on the back. You’re giving it a go AND you’ve just provided yourself with a wonderful learning opportunity;
(c) Your confidence WILL continue to grow as you continue doing THAT thing which you fear, till you finally realise, it’s not that scary after all.
You’ve got this!!

What do you feel makes a really good Podcast interview?

As a host, we are storytellers, who weave together our guest’s information to create a journey, which we take our audience on.

Keep in mind the outcome you want for your podcast (and episode) which often for my clients is to position themselves as Thought Leaders, provide valuable content, and be so compelling that their audience (ideal clients who are ready) will take the next step, with a strategic ‘call to action.’
To do this, a show must have a key theme (subject) that educates and empowers an audience through specific insights, great stories and case studies, presented in a way where the conversation flows naturally between the host and the guest.

We have a beginning, middle and ending, and our job is to capture and maintain the attention of our audience throughout the entire journey and create intrigue that compels your audience to want to find out more about you and how they can work with you!

You have interviewed so many people… tell us about a couple who have really stood out and why?

As you can imagine, all of my guests have a unique and often compelling story. However, there has been one guest, whose story is one I do often share, especially when it comes to encouraging people who believe their story isn’t worth sharing – as this was what my guest initially thought about her life story.

When she shared it with me, I had to do everything in my power to contain my composure (as we were live to air) as she spoke about the horrific abuse she’d endured throughout her life.

Bruised, battered and left for dead on the side of a road after being gang raped as a teenager, after years of abuse by people who were meant to love and protect her, was her story.
Yet, she forgave and fought on.
She didn’t think her story was worth sharing. So when her closest friends continued to encourage her to do so, she finally did.
And, an impact she made.
An entire room of women were in tears. However, one woman was inconsolable.
Because that morning, she’d made a decision that her life was too painful and she was going to end it.
But something made her drive to the place where my guest was speaking that day.
After hearing she wasn’t alone, there was healing on the other side of her pain, and that people cared, she made another decision.
The decision to live.
So, for anyone who believes their story isn’t worth sharing?
It is.
Because someone, somewhere needs to hear it!

And what’s next on the agenda for Annemarie Cross?

Continuing to support Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders impact the world with their message, with my Podcasting With Purpose Training, however in a much different and WAY more fun and exciting format.

It’s my 90-Day ‘Idea to Launch’ Your Thought Podcast Immersive where I’ll work closely with a select group of Change Makers as they plan, produce and launch their podcasts. Doing this in a group setting, where I’m there with them every step of the way I know will help people bust through their unhelpful beliefs and get their podcasts launched!

While I stream most of my podcast interviews live, I’m now streaming my podcasts across multiple platforms, and patiently waiting for Linkedin to give me access to Linkedin Live.

Favourite podcast (that is not one of your own) and why?

The Jennifer Allwood Show is one I have started to listen to lately as she incorporates faith in business and has such a wonderful energy about her.

What’s one thing that you do for yourself every day?

Journalling and spending time on my own to just to rest and refresh. As an (Extroverted) Introvert – me time is crucial.

What mantra do you live by?

Just DO it!

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