SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Cassandra Dunn

Cassandra Dunn is a clinical and coaching psychologist, mindfulness meditation teacher, host of the Crappy to Happy podcast, and author of the Crappy to Happy books. She lives in the Sunshine Coast hinterland with her husband, teenage daughter and a menagerie of rescued animals.  These days Cass mostly spends her time creating programs and products which combine all of her expertise in coaching, psychology and mindfulness to give women the tools they need to feel more peaceful in the present moment while also developing the courage and confidence to truly step into  their best life and be the very best version of themselves. 



Cass, Crappy to Happy is turning into quite a phenomenon – tell us how it started and how you came up with such a great name?

Back in 2015, when my family made the decision to leave the city to pursue our dream of having acreage near the beach, I was keen to transition my busy private practice work to a more flexible  online business model. As part of that process, I invested in some training to learn about Facebook ads and opt-ins and sales funnels (which was like learning another language for me!) and I created a free 7-day Happiness challenge as an opt-in to build my list.  I was tossing around names and “Crappy to Happy” popped into my head. I wasn’t sure if people would like it, but that free course got over 1000 registrations in a month so I knew I was onto a winner (I trademarked it pretty quickly!)

A little while later when Tiff Hall and I decided to do a podcast, she loved the name so we ran with it as the name of the show.  I’d already approached a publisher to write the Crappy to Happy book so when the podcast was such a success, the publisher was also onboard.

(By the way, that original 7-day challenge is still available on my website but we’ve changed the name to “Happiness Starts Here” to differentiate it from my other paid program.)

You now have a successful top rating podcast and two amazing books (on top of your regular business)… tell us about these and who they are aimed at and how they can benefit people everywhere? 

The podcast and books are for anyone who is feeling like they’re not living their best life but maybe can’t put their finger on what’s wrong. They’re just feeling a little bit stuck, uninspired, without direction or perhaps falling into the ‘too busy’ trap and not taking the time to reflect on what they really want or need to change in order to live a happier and more fulfilled life. I’m all about the simple steps and practical strategies. No fluff. Just advice that actually works and can be applied immediately.

Can you share three top tips to help people get their lives back on track if they have been going through a difficult time?

I think the most important things anyone can do if they’ve been through something difficult are to offer themselves kindness first and foremost. We have so much compassion for other people’s struggles but when it comes to our own problems, we feel like we should just get on with it or we find ways to blame ourselves. Self-kindness means treating yourself gently and doing things that are just for you, that make you feel nurtured.

The second one is to seek support. Having supportive relationships and talking things through helps you feel less alone and is very healing. If you don’t feel like you can talk to a friend, then I’d say seek out a professional to process those feelings.

And thirdly, try as much as possible to look for what’s working well, what your strengths are and what you can be grateful for. This is not to gloss over life’s problems or paste on a smiley face but just help to shift your brain from its default programming which is to focus on all that’s going wrong and everything that sucks and remind it (and you) that there is plenty to appreciate, that it’s not all a disaster and that there is still joy to be found even in the most difficult circumstances.

And can you share with us your favourite health or wellbeing tip?

The single best and simplest thing everyone should be doing for their physical and emotional wellbeing is meditation. No question about it. The research is overwhelming and all it requires is sitting still for 10-15 minutes (or even less!) and yet still people find reasons not to do it. It will help you with managing stress, calm your busy mind, help you sleep, change the structure and function of your brain, potentially even slow the ageing process, not to mention make you a more calm and present person, parent, partner, employee or business owner. Seriously, why are we all not doing this?

And what’s next on the agenda for Cass Dunn?

After a pretty busy year (or two!) I’m looking forward to a family holiday at the end of the year and next year will be focused on working more closely with women to give them the support and accountability they need to live their best lives. I’m almost coming full circle after creating so many successful products and programs for the ‘masses’ and feeling like I want to get up close and personal with people again to give them more direct support. My first weekend retreat was enormously successful and I’m now launching my first group coaching program so I’ll be looking forward to doing more live events and coaching next year.

Favourite movie and why?

All time favourite – The Shawshank Redemption.

Most recent favourite – Pitch Perfect 2. It’s our go-to Friday night family movie and it still cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it.

What is one thing that you do for yourself every day?

Take time for coffee, my journal and a few minutes of meditation in the morning before I look at my phone. I value taking that time for myself to set my intentions for the day before the rest of the world barges in.

Who would you most like to meet and why?

Michelle Obama. I have so much respect for how she lives her life, her grace, composure, integrity, strength, family values. I just love her.  I plan to get her onto the podcast!



To find out more about Cass head to:

