SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Natasha Zuvela

Natasha Zuvela has over 20 years of professional TV presenting experience with the following impressive credentials:

  • Represented billion dollar brands such as Virgin Money, MTV, Bonds, XXXX Gold and most recently Citi Bank on national television commercials
  • Natasha had the #1 rating MTV show for 3 years running, which was broadcast in both Australia & Europe to over 60 million viewers
  • Natasha has presented on all the major Australian TV networks being featured on popular shows such as Totally Wild, Good Morning Australia, Studio 10, Mornings Channel 9 and The Daily Edition.
  • Natasha has mastered the art of presenting on camera and harnesses that knowledge and experience into training and coaching business owners to attract more clients through the power of video.

When the world famous Steve Irwin passed away, Australia Zoo hired Natasha Zuvela to takeover Steve’s hosting of the live Crocoseum shows. Natasha had to entertain 5,000 people while being locked inside a crocodile enclosure with 500 kilogram salt water crocodiles and with 20 snakes crawling at her feet. Natasha was regularly featured in Australia Zoo online and TV segments helping to continue the great legacy of Steve Irwin.

Natasha now combines her extensive experience in representing billion dollar brands on television, with her love for empowerment and making difference. Her exclusive VIDEO MASTERY training programs are now helping so many people get their message to a global audience and attract more clients by learning how to present powerfully on camera and create compelling videos. Natasha helps people master video at


Natasha, you’ve had an exciting career to date and so many diverse roles… what made you want to transition from  a TV host role to presenting the LIVE croc shows at Steve Irwin’s famous Australia Zoo?

I received an email from my agent to go for this audition to take over the role that Steve Irwin was doing in the middle of the Crocoseum. And I went for the audition and I did get the job and it was such an amazing gift for me because it was such a honour to take over his role at Australia Zoo and to continue on his legacy. And to be part of Steve Irwin’s dream. And I felt extremely privileged to get that position.

You talk a lot about facing your fears in your amazing book Courage to SHINE, how important has tackling your fears been to you in your life?  

I believe our greatest fears can lead us to our greatest gifts and even our life’s purpose. And when we have the courage to walk through our doorways of fear that’s where the treasure lies on the other side. All the fears that come up for us in our personal life, business, career and our in our family are all amazing gifts for us to walk towards and use as an opportunity as opposed to something to run away from.

What career or personal achievement are you most proud of?

Going from a twenty-five-year phobia of snakes to then becoming a certified venomous snake handler. I would never thought in a million years would be something that I would ever do. Handling some of the world’s deadliest snakes known to mankind and I wasn’t even able to look at a picture of a snake.

How can people overcome their insecurities to be confident enough to SHINE on Camera?

Focus on your client, your prospect, the person on the other side of the lens. When we put all the attention on ourselves that’s when we get nervous. That’s when we get these insecurities and we’re not focused on being in service. The key is to focus on the viewer and not yourself.

Recently you have been talking about how important it is for people to focus on their own dreams as well as giving their all to their families. As Mum’s we can often neglect ourselves when we are channelling all of our direction into other areas of our lives.. why is self-care and self-empowerment so important?

It’s so critical for mothers to put self-care and self-empowerment as a priority in their lives. When we don’t do this we can often feel resentful and we can feel like we’re neglecting our own needs and that can filter through to our kids and our happiness and our wellbeing and our relationships. For me personally by making sure that I choose to take care of myself first even if it’s for half an hour or hour a day is a priority.

And what’s next on the agenda for Natasha Zuvela?

Behind the scenes I’ve been working on for the past two years I’m the co-founder of this automated marketing platform it is Phenomenal and very exciting. There’s also my Courage Shine Programs and events launching. They are personal development programs helping people find the courage to shine in all areas of their life giving them the confidence and the tools to get out there and live their best life and be the best version of themselves. I’ll also be running my next Video Mastery Live event on the Sunshine Coast in early November.

Favourite movie and why?

The Pursuit of Happiness with Will Smith because it’s so inspirational and about never giving up on your dreams no matter how tough it gets

What’s one thing that you do for yourself every day?

I exercise every day whether it’s a walk or run or doing a gym workout. I know that if I don’t do this then my mindset and my day don’t go as well as it can or it could.

What mantra do you live by?

Nothing spectacular happens inside your comfort zone.” Quote from my Courage To Shine Book


To find out more about Natasha head to:
