SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Claire Quarrell

Hailing from a communication background spanning over 15 years, Claire Quarrell is an experienced and exciting message and presentations coach, trainer, content developer and speaker.

In 2018 she established The Message Maven and niched her offering to help small businesses, soul traders, founders, entrepreneurs and generally fabulous individuals craft and deliver their presentations confidently, authentically and consistently, so that the right message is delivered the right way, at the right time, every time.

Claire is renowned for her high energy, engaging non-intimidating style and interactive approach – ensuring every person she coaches, trains or writes for walks away empowered to stand up, speak up and be heard.


Claire, tell us about The Message Maven and what made you decide to work in this area?

For as long as I can remember I’ve loved the magic of a powerful presentation – whether it’s been watching someone take charge of a meeting, wow an audience in a workshop or inspire from the stage. It’s the oldest, and I believe still the most powerful, way of spreading a message for change. The thing is, I often saw people – really fabulous, knowledgeable, inspiring people – get in the way of their own message because they weren’t quite sure how to craft it, or deliver it, or because of terrible nerves.

In late 2018 I watched an accomplished scientist present her ground-breaking research at a fundraising event.  After the talk, every person at my table said she was great – and yet not a single person could recall a key message or call to action from her presentation. What a tragedy!
It was the final push I need to establish The Message Maven – to help people like that inspirational scientist get their message out to the world – and actually have their audience DO something as a result.

Why is personal and professional branding so important?

There’s so much out there that’s been written on personal and professional branding by people far more qualified on the subject than me. When it comes to sharing your message, here’s my take on the subject:

There are millions of people out there in this big, wide, world and chances are that some of them (a lot of them) are saying something very similar to what you’re saying. Your message won’t always be the most unique, revolutionary or groundbreaking thing in the universe. If fact, chances are it’s been said somewhere, somehow, by someone else, before.

What is unique though, is you. And there’s also a whole heap of people out there – your tribe, your people, your audience, your crew – whatever you want to call them – who are waiting to hear that message only from you – delivered in your unique way – in order for it to resonate with them and move them to change.

Knowing your own authentic brand will help those people identify you as ‘their person’ and will help you connect with the people you want to work with.

Before a client gets caught up in choosing colour palettes, Instagram strategies, or logos, I ask them – How are you showing up in the world? What are your values? Who do you serve? What is your legacy? If you filter every decision you make – personally and professionally – through your answers then your brand will evolve naturally and you’ll feel aligned with it.

If you feel authentic and aligned with yourself, you can get on with the business of spreading your message, rather than distracting yourself trying to curate an image that you’ll grow out of rather than evolve with.

Can you share 3 tips as to how people can improve in the area of public speaking and to build up their confidence to share their message?

  1. If you know nothing else, know this: it’s not about you, it’s all about the audience. Embracing this truth will mean you:
  • Understand, and connect with, your audience.
  • Structure your presentation to give them the tools and information they need to hear, understand and act on your message.
  • Conquer your nerves – because you’re focusing on your audience, not yourself.
  1. Great presenters prepare and practice. It’s an honour, especially in this day and age, to have the attention of an audience. Don’t disrespect the privilege by thinking you can ‘just wing it.’
  1. Remember, in the words of Fred Miller, ‘The worst speech you ever give will be far better than the one you never give’.  Your message matters. If you’ve got something to say, your tribe needs to hear it, so don’t let a fear of presenting hold you back (I can help with that!). No one benefits when you play small or keep your message to yourself (not even you).

You have identified a number of personas to help people work to their own character strengths and traits – how important is this to understand?

When I tell people I’m a presentation coach I get such varied responses. Some people have their message sorted but hate getting up in front of people. Others are really confident with a crowd but find their message doesn’t quite hit the mark. I created the personas to highlight that message and presentation coaching shouldn’t be a ‘one size fits all’ approach. It’s not just for people on either end of the spectrum – who are either terrified of it…or want to be a keynote speaker. I offer individualised help for the parts that people need ‘rounding out’ – whether it’s to present an elevator pitch, a wedding speech or a full day seminar.

I believe mastery (of anything) comes when you know and work to your strengths and then take the next step to round out your skills by working on the aspects you find challenging. When you’re confident in your strengths and aware of your traits you’re able to present your true self, which means clearer messages, authentic engagement and consistent delivery.

And what’s next on the agenda for Claire Quarrell?

I’ll be announcing a series of Message and Presentation workshops in the very near future, I’m mid-way developing my first newsletter and I’m in an ongoing quest to find enough time to conquer the world – stay tuned!

Favourite place that you have travelled to and why?

Thailand. It’s where we honeymooned so I have fond memories.

What do you to relax?

I read. I’ve got books littered all over the house, for whenever I get five minutes down time.

What mantra do you live by?

Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.

To find out more about Claire or The Message Maven, head to:

