SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Maria Woods

Maria is very proud and feels blessed to be the Principal of Sunshine Coast Grammar School a P-12 co-educational, Christian, independent school located in Forest Glen. Maria has been the Principal since 2012. In 2014 she was awarded as both the Excellence in Business Awards – Outstanding Business Person of the Year and the SCBWN Outstanding Business Woman of the Year. She is an equally proud mother of two young men aged 18 and 12.


Maria, tell us what made you select a career as a teacher and how did you then progress into a Principal role?

My parents instilled in me from an early age the importance of an education and that you learn your whole life – at school, from life experiences, the people you meet. I enjoy working with people and teaching was a natural choice. It is wonderful to be in a career I love. I have never consciously sought promotion. I believe opportunities have presented themselves, I have been encouraged by inspiring role models and mentors who have supported me to have the confidence to seek the right time and circumstances to make it possible. I have also undertaken formal study and professional learning throughout my career to assist in my growth and development.

You are a former Sunshine Coast Outstanding Business Woman of the Year, how important do you feel it is to be a role model in your community?

In my role as an educator I am particularly cognisant.  I want to serve as an example to young people particularly that you should strive to live your life with integrity, compassion, kindness and optimism. Here on the Sunshine Coast, there are so many incredible role models – quietly going about their business and achieving their goals with determination and perseverance.

We all need role models to inspire us to want to give more. I hope that what I demonstrate every day is a clear set of values that guide my behaviours, words and interactions. And that ultimately servant leadership underpins my practice that I model a focus on others rather than self.

What skills or attributes do you feel are important for young people to work on today to succeed?

Team work, communication, initiative and adaptability, knowing they are part of a global village and that their actions and decisions have ripple effects and consequences beyond the here and now. Value learning for life – formal and informal – so many opportunities to build skills. Never underestimate that every person you meet offers a chance for you to grow. Make sure you give back to your community. Volunteer time, skills and energy to play your part in building a great future for all. Your brand is your character and your reputation. And in the words of Nicole Shepherd ‘you never regret being kind’

How do you juggle being a busy career woman and also a Mum?

Excellent organisational and time management skills! A wonderful family who support me. Use technology wisely to help coordinate my work and life. I am quite a disciplined person to ensure I maximise every hour of the day (and night!). I don’t see myself as busy, rather I have a full plate and that is important for my life – my family, faith, volunteering, career, great friends.

A mantra for me:
Live with intention.  Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.
Mary Anne Roadacher-Hershey

And what’s next on the agenda for Maria Woods?

  • Learning how to practice mindfulness every day
  • Future development for Sunshine Coast Grammar School that enhances opportunities for students
  • Possible further formal tertiary study

Coast or City?

Definitely the Coast

What do you do in your spare time?

Walk the dog, cycle with the family, read, travel, volunteer, and I love the beach.

Who do you look up to and admire?

People who give more than they receive.


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