SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Clare Edwards


Clare Edwards is a lady who has been making her mark globally for a number of years. Working alongside and consulting to organisations in the UK and Australia, the areas of people development that Clare specialises in include Leading with the Brain in Mind, Facilitating Change, Effective Communication, Personality Type and Storytelling for Leadership. Clare has written a book on Storytelling for communicators and leaders called A Sprinkling of Magic. Currently based in Sydney, we caught up with Clare so that she could share her story…

You have a fabulous career working globally in a number of areas – tell us a little bit about some of the things you’ve done and where you’ve lived?

I’ve been lucky enough to work in industries that facilitated moving around so when I was in the hotel industry working as a front of house manager, I lived in the UK, Holland and Switzerland. I persisted in learning Dutch and that became my springboard to the corporate world of IT where I lived and worked in the UK and the USA in corporate development and cultural due diligence roles amongst others.

What is your greatest achievement in life?

Now that’s a toughie! This may surprise you but when I was working for an internet company, I had to make 70 people redundant. The achievement came in the form of doing this with professionalism and dignity, helping each individual to see that there was light at the end of the tunnel. This then became my catalyst for moving into people development full time.

You have a passion for people and leadership in particular – why is this so important to you?

We go to work for so much more than money. We are tribal in nature and want to connect and bond, so the teams we belong to and the leaders who guide us are critical to our sense of wellbeing and happiness and my job is to help them see that.

What do you see as the traits of being a good leader?

The work of Simon Sinek embodies for me the traits of a good leader. I respect those who are courageous enough to make the difficult decisions, vulnerable enough to say “I don’t know” and compassionate and wise enough to understand that without good people, there is no good business.

You’ve held a number of exciting corporate roles. What made you decide to set up your own business?

I worked for a major software company and saw the unnecessary pain people went through in change because the human side of change was being neglected, and this was my driving force to create my business helping leaders to guide their people through change and helping people to embrace rather than fear change and build resilience.

You’re an Author too; tell us a little about your books?

Every great leader I have worked for had the gift of storytelling and my Dad was a great storyteller too, so I wrote a book about the power of story to influence and engage called ‘A Sprinkling of Magic’. When we share our message in the form of story, we draw others in and engage them in a way that no information or data could ever do.

Where to next for Clare – what’s on the horizon?

At the beginning of 2018 I moved to Sydney and, together with my business partner Anne, we are spreading our message about how we can use our brains to think smarter, lead more effectively and thrive in a world of constant change.  I have just completed an Advanced Diploma of the Neuroscience of Leadership so know that the next book is just waiting to get out!

Coast or City?

I love both! I’m based in Sydney and get to visit the Coast frequently for work and to catch up with friends

What mantra do you live by?

Start and finish each day by reflecting on what you are grateful for

What book are you currently reading?

‘Time to Think’ by Nancy Kline – the art of listening to ignite the human mind


To find out more about Clare check out:

and to find out more about Clare’s book:

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