SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Erin Barnes


Erin Barnes is one of our fabulous SHINE Society members and her business Next Generation Wellness & The Wellness Hub are one of our major partners, for which we are so grateful. Erin has a passion and desire to help women be the best possible version of themselves and has a number of services, workshops and products which can benefit ALL women. Here is Erin’s story and make sure that you do check out her websites to see how Erin can help you!





Erin, please share with us your story, including business and personal achievements:

I could rattle off the pieces of paper obtained, that supposedly prove my worth professionally during 20yrs in the wellness Industry.
I could rattle off personal achievements in elite sport and the creation and maintenance of a gorgeous family.
However, I believe the greatest achievement in life is who we become.
I have transitioned from a child who didn’t speak, to have speaking part of my professional role. From anxiety restricting all experiences, to living full. From Rheumatoid Arthritis, to living symptom and medication free. From living pessimistically, to optimism in the face of physical, emotional and financial challenge. From perfectionism, to throwing caution to the wind.

Tell us about Next Generation Wellness and The Wellness Hub, and why you created these amazing entities?

It’s no secret that our societal norms are frightening today. We’re witnessing deteriorating physical and emotional health, pressured relationships, chronic stress, guilt and addiction. Not only does this way of living leave people with an ordinary experience of life, physically and emotionally, we are all role modelling some very dangerous behaviours (unconsciously and consciously) to our next generation of children.
Next Generation Wellness was born organically through this concern.
We are all leaders (parents, CEO’s, business owners, teachers, grandparents), and depending on what we are learning and living determines whether that leadership is remarkable or detrimental.
Next Generation Wellness embraces broad wellbeing education, integrative steps and support. It’s focused on #ElevatingEVEXIA (Greek word for wellbeing) in homes, workplaces and the community. It’s about layering tiny changes that we can succeed at most of the time, in order to go with the flow some of the time!
The Wellness Hub arrived as the physical home for the work of Next Generation Wellness. Being online can be lonely – that was the selfish driver!! But, The Wellness Hub is a space for true connection in a lovely safe and intimate setting, with group sessions allowing for health and wellbeing to be affordable.

Why is self-care essential and how has this shaped your life?

I have the personal mantra ‘My behaviour matters, but after that I have no control’.  Regardless of the external landscape, it’s up to me how I show up at home, at work and in the community, and then I have to loosen the grip on the expectations. Self-care for me, is essential in maintaining physical and emotional vitality in order to show up in a way that makes me proud.
Over the last 3 years, we’ve had draining personal circumstances, and I know with certainty, that without consistent self-care practices, these stressors would have pervaded every aspect of my life adversely.
The interesting thing about self-care is that we know these behaviours are important for feeling good. Yet, when we don’t feel good, we seek to deprive ourselves of feeling good (AKA self-sabotage), and hence cease the self care.  I can’t encourage enough, the action of preparing in advance, a list of self-care items that make you feel good, that take under 5mins each. Then, when you don’t feel good, you take action on one of them before thinking and talking yourself out of it. It stops the downward spiral.

What factors do you think influence women today in all areas of wellness, and what is the best course of action to get them on track?

  1. DISTRACTION – We fall short of positive behaviour change due to distraction and lack of focus.  It’s natural for the brain to rely on autopilot.

Seeking support in expanding mindfulness triggers and transitions, opens many pockets of space throughout the day where we can maintain focus on any area of change we’re seeking.

  1. LIVING REACTIVELY – Steals the joy and leaves us with little left to give.

I encourage simplification across every aspect of life based on personal values. This prevents living everyone else’s needs, and determines next steps without confusion, so that we can live intentionally and with integrity.

  1. THINKING + EMOTIONAL LITERACY – Feelings and thoughts proceed every action, reaction and response. If we dive arms uncrossed into the work of expanding emotional literacy…….it reduces the biochemical, metabolic and structural impact of stress, and shifts our experience of life positively.

You are obviously passionate about helping women, what has guided you down this track?

We’re so incredibly important. If we are stressed (physically and/or emotionally), how on earth do we show up proud of our leadership at home, at work and in the community?

Due to my auto-immune disease during my late teens and early 20’s, I know what it feels like to be in pain and have no energy to show up well.Having lived with over functioning anxiety and high performing perfectionism, I know what it feels like to live small. It’s no fun, life is short, and behaviour is fluid- not fixed.

How do you juggle being a busy career woman and being a Mum?

  • Schedule intentions weekly and daily
  • Two way communication of needs at home
  • Clarity on my values, the behaviours and people that support those values, and the red flag behaviours that signal that I’m about to step out of alignment with values
  • Exceptional food habits 70% of the time
  • Bed by 9.30pm 2-3 nights per week
  • A blend of restorative and high intensity movement over the week

And what’s next on the agenda for Erin Barnes?

Well. Just last week I decided to get over myself again, launching Anyone who has their name on a website, knows how hideously frightening that is, and how you have to get over the ‘who do you think you are?’ thought process.

I plan to do more work in workplaces and communities, to educate and expand this critical work of elevating EVEXIA. I hope that we can stop separating personal and professional. We’re simply humans, and if we protect what we learn, build self-awareness to live what we learn intentionally, we can lead remarkably.

What’s your favourite essential oil and why?

I change them every day, because it depends on what I need at that time.
Sandalwood when speaking, and I love to blend Geranium, Grapefruit and Ylang Ylang.

Who do you admire and look up to?

All for very different reasons; Oprah. Brene Brown. Kim Morrison. Deepak Chopra. Joe Dispenza. Bruce Lipton.

Favourite food?

Raw Lemon Cheesecake

To check out more on Erin – head to the following websites:

or Facebook