SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Robyn Way


Robyn spent her twenties and half of her thirties travelling, working and studying her way around Australia with her Border Collie, Bella. These were years of great self-discovery, a journey of accelerated growth, self-awareness and self-understanding for Robyn. After she worked in various areas of mental health throughout her life, Robyn decided to put it all together and start her own business as everything had been a stepping stone leading her to this point. Robyn’s believes that her business achievements are the success stories of clients who have come to her committed to their own personal growth and succeeded above and beyond their own expectations. 


I first met Robyn a couple of years ago now when we did a Video Mastery course with the fabulous Natasha Zuvela, who is one of our conference speakers. Robyn was wanting to take her business to a whole new level and I was struck by her determination and courage to work hard at something she was so clearly passionate about, and it was with great delight that I saw she wanted to become one of our SHINE Business Women members and showcase her story! Here is an insight into a lady who is doing great things in her industry….

Where did you passion for assisting others come from?
Nearly 20 years ago I worked at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute in Melbourne and I loved being able to support families through the grief and loss of what was happening to their loved ones. That was the catalyst that led me to further a career in helping others heal from emotional trauma.

What do you believe is the secret to reaching your highest potential?
Self-belief. Have high expectations of what you’re capable of creating. Self-belief gives you the courage to overcome your fears, put yourself out there and take risks. It also enables you to set your goals without limits. If you can dream it, you can believe it. If you can believe it, you can become it.

Who inspired you in what you do?
My ah-ha moment came when I was reading the book, ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’ by renowned American Psychiatrist, Dr Brian Weiss. It was then that I discovered specialising in this work was my soul purpose. I have been fortunate enough to meet and train under Brian to expand my knowledge and skills with this incredible ‘master’, a leading pioneer in the modern methodologies of Regression Therapy.  I feel blessed and very grateful.

Tell us a bit about Regressional Therapy and its benefits
Regression Therapy is an effective and efficient form of psychotherapy. Through hypnosis the client is able to tap into the resourceful abyss of their subconscious mind where they are able to retrieve early childhood and past life memories to locate the origin of emotional and/or physical trauma. These events often instill deep seated core beliefs that cause unhealthy patterns of thoughts, emotions and behaviours. The goal is to dissolve the dysfunctional beliefs underlying these cognitions to create healthier emotional responses.

What is the best part of your job?
Seeing people transform their lives for their own higher good. It gives me the greatest satisfaction to help people overcome emotional turmoil to live a happier and more fulfilling life. The psycho-spiritual nature of my work also enables people to get in touch with their utmost higher self, their highest wisdom that cannot be denied. Clients also express extreme gratitude for the work we do together and the extraordinary experiences they have so it’s nice to be appreciated for what I do.

How can women build their confidence to further establish their business?
Ditch the doubt and avoid procrastination by investing in someone to help you with the things you don’t know how to do. This also serves to acquire new skills to propel you forward.

Favorite travel destination?
While somewhere warm and tropical is always appealing, I love the history, culture and beauty of Europe and I have a strong calling to go to New York.

Key to a balanced lifestyle?
As a mum to a Preppie and a Kindy kid I only have 15 hours child free time a week and tend to sacrifice sleep for late nights working on growing my business. To achieve balance I strive to be present when with family and friends, productive while at work and make time for relaxation, meditation and the things that I love.

Favourite book?
I’m a self-confessed bookworm and I have several favourites, but an inspiring read is Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’. I have gifted it to many over the years!

First car?
1979 Toyota Corolla, a hand-me-down that went through my three older siblings first!

To find out more about Robyn, check out: