SHINE’ing the Spotlight on… Sian Yewdall


Sian left Townsville NQ at 20 to establish her PR career. She has worked in Sydney, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and London with specialty in leisure and tourism PR. After this Sian transferred her skills over to Marketing and Sponsorship Management for a corporate organisation which she loved. During this time Sian was awarded the QLD PRIA award for Pro-Bono work for the creation and development of the first Marie Claire Prevention of Violence Against Women Awarness Campaign. This campaign raised more than $80,000 for female victims of domestic violence on the Sunshine Coast and also cultivated Marie Claire magazine’s “Start Talking To Stop The Violence” initiative. 



At time of writing, Sian was about to go into hospital to give birth to her new son whilst interviewing for her new podcast program and launching pre-orders for her Woman Rising magazine. There’s no stopping this lady and we wanted to find out what makes her tick! Enjoy the read…


What was your motivation behind founding The Woman Rising Network?

I am the Founder of The Woman Rising Network and Editor-In-Chief of Woman Rising magazine. I live in Townsville, NQ with my man and three boys. I grew up here but moved back in 2015 for the lifestyle and to raise our boys. I’d worked around the world and established a solid PR & Marketing career, but quickly noticed the women I was connecting with in regional Australia were often ‘forgotten’ because they couldn’t always attend key events and big name conferences for professional development because they were only held in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.

Obviously as a Mum and small business owner, getting away for a day or two, booking travel, accommodation and organising your family to attend these events is not always straight forward or financially possible, so I wanted to change that.

My mission is to provide an online hub for women in business and work-from-home-Mums to provide a level of support, inspiration and motivation they may not have access to in their corner of Australia to remove any unnecessary feelings of isolation and frustration. I do this with a dedicated Members Hub with live monthly conversations with successful women in business, monthly master classes in PR & Marketing and other small business needs, the new She Will Move Mountains Podcast and Woman Rising magazine to profile women across Aus giving themselves permission to cultivate their career from where they are.

Tell us about your passion for empowering women

I don’t know exactly where it stems from, but I’ve always been so mindful of supporting other women. It may have resulted in being bullied by girls in High School or from just always having a stronger sense of purpose and deeper knowing that women can do absolutely anything! My parents were incredible for instilling that belief in me from a young age, so perhaps empowering other women has always been with me?

My passion now is more in relation to Mums finding their own passion and giving themselves permission to follow it, instead of sacrificing themselves. I genuinely believe you are a better Mum, friend, sister, wife etc… when you cultivating something that has meaning to you – whatever that may be. It doesn’t need to be career orientated, but I love business, so that’s why my focus lies.

What’s the key to a perfect work/life balance?

Letting go of the notion that there is such thing as ‘perfect’ to start with and not striving for someone else’s definition of balance or success. This has taken me a long time to get my head around, but the more we seek external validation of what it means to have ‘balance’ the more we dig a deep hole for ourselves. But for me, it’s allowing myself to ebb and flow with how I’m feeling. Some days all I want to do is watch Netflix and eat bags of chips. Some days, I just want to slam my to-do list and change the world in 24 hours. Just follow your intuition at any given moment and give yourself permission to genuinely listen and respond accordingly.

What has been your biggest business hurdle?

Giving myself permission to do what I genuinely want to do instead of creating a business based on what I think I should do!

It took about 2 years and lots of wasted time, energy and money to realise that I was trying to create a business like other women I looked up to because it worked for them. I ended up working myself in to the ground and wondering why I was miserable all the time. I had to walk away and let go. Only then could I give myself space to realise I was on the wrong path and I needed to start again.

What’s the best part of your job?

Without a doubt, sharing a woman’s small business story to inspire others. It gets me out of bed in the morning because I just love celebrating someone’s hard won achievements, and sharing their knowledge, wisdom and insights to help someone else with their goals and dreams.

What was your first car?

I saved up and bought a brand new 3 door Toyota Starlite in 1998. I had that baby for 10 years and she was my best friend in 3 different cities. I ended up selling her when I moved to London but she will always be my first true love!

Favorite restaurant?

In Townsville it’s ‘A Touch Of Sal’t, but I have a special place in my heart for a steak-only restaurant in Paris but have no idea what it’s called because they also served amazing red wine…

Best piece of advice you’ve received?

My whole life my Dad has always said to me, ‘High beam kid’ which is his way of saying; stand tall, look up and have confidence in yourself. You’ve got this. It’s not strictly advice, but something that will never leave me.

What’s one thing you do every day for yourself?

Have a shower!! That sounds ridiculous, but with three young boys it’s the most peaceful and grounding five minutes of my day.

To find out more about Sian, check out:



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